洗髮皂, 天然洗髮皂, 洗髮皂推薦, 手工洗髮皂, 沐浴皂, 洗髮香皂, 肥皂洗頭, 洗頭皂, 髮皂推薦, 手工皂推薦


English Below

植物油 Base Oils & Butters​


本網站所有資訊以學習及分享為主要目的。參考於植物油化學相關書籍及網路資料再由The Soap Days重新整理編輯。絕不代表有醫療及預防疾病的效果。如果皮膚有異常,請尋找專業醫生做診斷。


椰子油 Coconut oil 產地:印尼

微小的中鏈脂肪酸如辛酸、葵酸與月桂酸具有防治細菌、真菌與病毒的作用。這些脂肪酸以破壞病原體細胞壁的方式,抑制細菌和真菌的生長。辛酸和葵酸用於治療真菌感染的病症十分有效,特別是白色念珠菌(Candida albicans)。其肉豆蔻酸可以滲透到皮脂膜和表皮防護層中,並發揮抗菌與保濕的效果。清潔效果好但比例太高則會過度清潔。

found in all Shampoo soap


蓖麻油 Castor oil 產地:印度







found in all Shampoo soap


酪梨油 Avocado oil 產地:德國



found in


Silk Road



山茶花油 Camellia seed oil 產地:美國



入皂特性泡沫細緻 東方特色貴族護膚極品



found in

Sailing Day

Summer Breath


開心果油 Pistachio oil 產國:美國

大量不飽和脂肪酸, 質地清爽不油膩, 舒緩及安撫肌膚,保護肌膚及髮絲,屬於滋養佳的油品。

很適合用來製作洗髮皂, 可防曬、防老化, 保護肌膚及髮絲, 尤其對粗糙肌膚的修復效果非常的好。


found in

Herbal Treatment

The Source


榛果油 Hazelnut oil 產地:德國

特色 擁有高比例與肌膚自產的脂肪酸成分相似的棕櫚油酸,與大量油酸,在清潔時感受頂級滋潤又具清潔力,適合用來收斂毛孔,平衡肌膚出油狀況。

入皂特性 清潔與滋潤同時兼顧

found in Balance


澳洲胡桃油 Macadamia oil 產地:法國

特色 生長於炎熱又潮濕的艱難環境,果仁需要堅硬的殼包覆形成保護,因此果油也有易保存及抗氧化的特性。與皮膚自身的脂肪酸相近的棕櫚油酸含量高,特別容易被皮膚吸收且具護膚效果。可滑順的在肌膚上炎展開,並深入皮膚底層。

入皂特性 細胞再生、老化肌膚好滋潤

洗護髮 能有效解決髮梢分岔和頭髮斷裂的問題、撫平受損的頭髮表層,讓頭髮恢復光滑柔順。

found in Balance

乳油木果脂 Shea butter 產地:迦納


found in

Silk Road




植物性添加物 Natural Additives


金盞花 Calendula 產地:中國

以土地本身自然的力量種植出的有機花草 不只有純粹 還有本自具足的生命力



found in Summer Breath


薰衣草萃取 Lavender extract 產地:法國


found in Original


迷迭香萃取 Rosemary extract 產地:西班牙

迷迭香酸有消炎、抗菌、抗霉作用 活化頭皮

found in




大西洋雪松萃取 Atlantic extract 產地:摩洛哥


found in Balance


玫瑰萃取  Rose extract 產地:保加利亞


found in Silk Road


茶樹萃取 Tea tree extract 產地:澳洲


found in Jade


薄荷萃取 Peppermint 產地:美國


found in Jade


葡萄柚萃取 Grapefruit extract 產地:美國


found in Sailing Day


薄荷腦 Menthol 產地:中國


found in Summer Breath


中草藥添加物 Chinese Herbs and Medicines Additives


何首烏 He Shou Wu root 產地:中國



found in Herbal Treatment


青黛 QINGDAI 產地:台灣


found in Sailing Day


茜草 Rubia cordifolia 產地:泰國


found in Silk Road



枸杞 Wolfberry 產地:中國


found in The Source


人蔘液 Ginseng 產地:台灣


found in The Source


艾草 Artemisia argyi 產地:台灣


found in Jade



氫氧化鈉 Sodium Hydroxide 皂化過程必備物質 *皂化後只會留下肥皂與甘油



我們所有的手工皂皆有造化完整,所以氫氧化鈉不存在於任何肥皂中。NOT FOUND in any soap as our soaps are perfectly Saponsified










Base Oils & Butter

Vegetable oil comes from seeds, fruits or nuts. These seeds produce different proportions of fatty acids and accompanying substances in order to protect themselves, each having their own unique chemical makeup. Nut and seed derived oils have been indispensable since ancient times. These oils collect the energy given by the sun, possessing high-quality nutrients by distilling its nourishing and pure energetic essence into chemical compounds so that our material forms may reap its benefit.–

Any information conveyed on this website is meant for learning and sharing. It is researched, reorganized and edited by The Soap Days. The information provided here on The Soap Days website is not intended to diagnose to treat an illness. If you are experiencing any issues with your health, please seek a professional doctor for diagnosis.


Coconut oil From Indonesia

Tiny medium-chain fatty acids such as caprylic acid, capric acid and lauric acid can prevent the proliferation of bacteria, fungi and viruses. These fatty acids inhibit the growth of bacteria and fungi by destroying the cell walls of pathogens. Caprylic acid and capric acid are very effective in the treatment of fungal infections, especially Candida albicans. Its myristic acid can penetrate into the sebum membrane and epidermal protective layer and exert antibacterial and moisturizing effects. Coconut oil is a component in all of our hair soap formulas. It provides excellent cleansing properties, but achieving the perfect ratio and preventing the formula from becoming overly cleansing can be tricky. The Soap Days has diligently tested and re-tested various formulas in order to achieve the perfect ratio, providing you with an experience that is as nourishing as it is clarifying. 

found in all Shampoo soap


Castor oil From India

The acids in castor oil scavenge free radicals, have anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties, and boast anti-oxidant properties that can help reduce damage to scalp cells. Castor oil softens hair and boosts radiance and shine.

It has mild soaping properties, increases hair smoothness, moisturizes, and gives the soap a smoothing effect and dense and fine foam.

Commonly used in hair care and conditioners, it helps reduce the effects and proliferation of damaged and broken hair and prevents hair loss. Castor oil coats the hair, creating a smooth and silky effect and making the hair look shiny.

In ancient India, castor oil was used as an antibacterial and anti-inflammatory, stimulating blood circulation in the scalp, nourishing the scalp and hair roots, and strengthening hair strands.

Ricinoleic acid coats the hair to lock in water, prevent knots, and help smooth the hair shaft, making the hair shiny.

Castor oil is a component in all of our formulas. It readily absorbs water, so be sure to keep your hair soap in a dry area. If the ratio of castor oil in a particular formula is higher, the soap will become slightly transparent after use. This is a normal phenomenon. The transparent areas are all soap and can be used normally.

found in all Shampoo soap


Avocado oil vocado Oil From Germany

As early as 7800 BC, Mexico’s native people had already planted avocado trees in the Oaxaca region. The combination of three key fatty acids, oleic acid, linoleic acid and palmitoleic acid, make avocado oil easy absorbed into the hair shaft.

Fat-associated substances such as lecithin, plant sterols and squalene can prevent water loss, repair the skin’s protective layer, and promote cell and skin regeneration. Avocado oil is rich in vitamins A, B, C, D, E and omega-3。

found in Original、Silk Road、Jade


Camellia seed oil From the United States

Camellia oil is an excellent emollient for keeping skin and hair moist and supple. Approximately 82% of its fatty acids are composed of Oleic fatty acid (Omega-9), a remarkable transdermal carrier and very effective in enhancing skin and hair's ability to retain moisture. It helps to promote circulation, prevent hair loss, and make hair smooth and shiny. Camellia oil absorbs very quickly. It contains a lower amount of linoleic acid, making it more stable and easier to store.

Camellia seed oil is rich in protein, vitamin A and E. The connotative oleic acid function, with the help of phenolic compounds and plant sterols, functions to block free radicals and environmental pollution while also preventing UV damage.


The practice of using camellia oil to nourish and condition hair is well-known and widely utilized. For those who have damaged hair follicles due to long-term use of chemical shampoos, camellia oil is an excellent way to nourishment and protect the hair. In soap it helps to create a delicate foam.

found in Sailing Day、Summer Breath


Pistachio oil From the United States

Pistachio oil has high content of linoleic acid, fatty acids and Vitamin E. Its texture is well-absorbed and not greasy, helping to sooth the skin while protecting the skin and hair and providing deep nourishment.

Pistachio oil is an excellent source of biotin that helps to treat hair loss by strengthening hair. Pistachio oil contains a ceramide concentration of about 32.7% and has a balanced amount of Omega-9 and Omega-6 essential fatty acids.

It is very suitable for making hair soap. It has a UV protective effect for the skin and hair. Pistachio oil is anti-aging and helps to smooth and repair rough dry skin.
In soap it creates a refreshing and fine foam.

Hazelnut oil From Germany

Hazelnut oil features a high proportion of palmitoleic acid, which is similar to the fatty acid produced by the skin, as well as a large amount of oleic acid. It has a powerful moisturizing and cleansing power when used in soap.

Hazelnut oil helps to constrict pores and balance oil production.

found in Balance


Macadamia oil From France

Because they grow in a hot and humid climate, macadamia nuts from a hard shell for protection that makes this particular nut oil high in anti-oxidative properties. The palmitoleic acid, which is similar to the skin's own fatty acids, is easily absorbed by the skin and hair, making it highly moisturizing.

Macadamia oil aids in cell regeneration. It provides shine, strength and nourishment for the hair, helping to fight hair loss, frizz and brittleness.

found in Balance


Sesami oil From the United States

found in Moisturizing


Shea butter From Ghana

Shea butter has been used for centuries in Africa in soaps and balms. Its high fatty acid content helps shea butter to easily be absorbed into the hair shaft, helping to nourish and prevent hair breakage. High in vitamin A and E, shea butter is highly moisturizing for the skin and hair. Shea butter is highly anti-inflammatory and helps to sooth and nourish the scalp

found in Silk Road、Moisturizing


Cocoa butter From Ghana


found in Moisturizing




Featured Ingredients Natural Additives


Calendula From China

Flowers and plants grown from the soil with the natural power of the land itself have their own vitality. Calendula is an incredible plant that when applied to the scalp helps fight dandruff and promote hair growth. With their abundant B vitamins, various minerals and antioxidants, calendula stimulates the hair follicle to facilitate the growth oof healthy silky hair. Calendula adds a pleasant aroma to the soap and gives it a natural color. (The color of our handmade soaps comes from the oil or the natural color of the extract in the essential oil, no chemical color powder or dye is added) Calendula can be found in our Summer Breath formula.

found in Summer Breath


Lavender Extract  Lavender extract From France

Lavender contains powerful anti-oxidant components and helps to relieve stress on the skin and mind alike. Lavender stimulates hair growth and has anti-bacterial and anti-microbial effects. It helps to calm irritation and sooth the scalp.

found in Original


Rosemary Extract From Spain

Rosmarinic acid has anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, and anti-fungal effects and helps to promote circulation and stimulate hair growth. Rosemary is well known for its ability to promote growth and prevent hair loss. Arnosic acid, a key component of the rosemary plant, has been shown to heal nerve damage and restore tissue in the scalp. Studies have shown that rosemary has an anti-inflammatory effect on the skin and the ability to improve cellular regeneration, helping to aid hair growth and thickness. Rosemary extract can be found in our Original and Balance formula

found in Original、Balance


Atlantic Cedar Extract From Morocco

Strengthen skin and hair, inhibit bacterial parasitism on the scalp, prevent hair loss

found in Balance


Rose Extract From Bulgaria

Rose is an excellent ingredient for the skin, helping to strengthen and shrink capillaries. Rose is highly rejuvenating while being ideal for even the most sensitive skin. It is suitable for all skin types including mature, dry, and sensitive skin types that may experience swelling and redness.

found in Silk Road


Tea Tree Extract From Australia

Tea tree helps to strengthen the skin and hair with its anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. Tea tree promotes hair growth and prevents hair loss.

found in Jade


Peppermint From the United States

Peppermint helps to strengthen skin and hair by inhibiting harmful bacteria and preventing hair loss. Peppermint promotes healthy circulation to the scalp, aiding the distribution of vital nutrients.

found in Jade


Grapefruit extract From  the United States

When added to soap, grapefruit extract enhances overall cleansing power. Grapefruit helps to condition the skin and balance oil production.

found in Sailing Day


Menthol From China

Menthol has a powerful anti-bacterial effect. Menthol is known to promote blood circulation, aiding hair growth and preventing hair loss. Menthol helps to relieve irritation and itching, reduce inflammation, and reduce pain and swelling.

found in Summer Breath


Traditional Chinese Herbs and Medicinal ingredients 


He Shou Wu root From China

He Shou Wu root gently nourishes hair, stimulating blood flow to the scalp and encouraging hair growth.

The "Compendium of Materia Medica", a Chinese herbology record first published in 1578, records He Shou Wu as being astringent in nature and having kidney nourishing capabilities as well as liver and blood nourishing properties. He shou wu has been recorded as having the ability to combat graying and to turn white hair black as well as the ability to slow hair loss. It revitalizes the hair and condition the scalp, making it ideal for those troubled by oily scalp, hair loss, or scalp irritation and itching.

found in Herbal Treatment


Qindai (indigo naturalis) From Taiwan

Qindai or “indigo naturalis” has an antibacterial effect and, when added to soap, makes the formula highly cleansing. Qindai aids the skin’s natural protective barriers and is suitable even for problem scalps.

found in Sailing Day


Rubia cordifolia (madder) From Thailand

In ancient and medieval times, madder was used to treat irregular mensuration. It is prized for its powerful effect on blood circulation and its ability to treat blood stasis.

found in Silk Road


Hibiscus From China

The saponin content of hibiscus makes the hair feel thick and silky. Hibiscus provides a variety of nutrients to the scalp and hair that promote growth and prevent hair loss

found in Moisturizing


Turmeric From India

Turmeric contains a component known as curcumin, a potent antioxidant that has anti-inflammatory and wound healing properties. Turmeric is suitable even for those with problem scalp.

found in Moisturizing


Wolfberry From China

Wolfberry (also referred to as goji berry) is high in various vitamins including vitamins A and C. It is one of the highest sources of antioxidants. It contains linoleic acid and amino acids as well as anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, and anti-inflammatory properties. Wolfberry is known to aid hair growth and prevent hair loss.

found in The Source


Ginseng From China

Ginseng is high in saponin, an anti-bacterial compound that helps to prevent dandruff. It contains phytosterols that promote scalp health. Ginsneg is highly anti-inflammatory. It helps to promote hair growth and strengthens the hair, helping to prevent hair loss.

found in The Source


Artemisia argyi (wormwood) From Taiwan

Artemisia argyi (known as wormwood or Chinese mugwort) is highly anti-bacterial and os know to stimulate hair growth.

found in Jade



Sodium Hydroxide Sodium hydroxide is essential for the saponification process *Only soap and glycerin will be left after saponification

After the weak acid oil collides with the strong alkali sodium hydroxide with water, soap and glycerin can be obtained by the hydrolysis reaction. A fully dried handmade soap that has been successfully saponified will be mildly alkaline and will not harm the skin, leaving no strong alkalis such as sodium hydroxide. Commercially advertised weak acid soaps are not simple soaps, but synthetic detergents with the appearance of soap.

Sodium hydroxide is NOT FOUND in any soap as our soaps are perfectly saponified.

see SGS test report


Why is pure soap natural and environmentally friendly?

1. Pure soap is weakly alkaline, does not deteriorate easily, and does not require any added preservatives. Liquid shampoos and shower gels will easily deteriorate without synthetic preservatives.

2. Pure soap is a natural interfacial active substance, which is weakly alkaline. It has a good balancing effect on the skin and helps to regulate oil production and can be easily washed away without leaving any residue on the skin.

3. Pure soap is soluble in water and exists in nature. After taking away the grease and dirt, it can be dissolved by organisms within 24 hours after flowing into the river water and does not pollute the environment at all.

4. Soap bars require minimal packaging, reducing the burden on the environment.