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【THE SOAP DAYS】洗髮皂使用技巧、新手使用洗髮皂,怎樣才能縮短洗髮皂過渡期?


『無洗完頭髮黏黏感 – 洗髮示範』


1. 準備洗髮皂(手心大小好握的面積)



2. 洗第一次






3. 洗第二次,方式同上。第二次泡沫會更多。














The Soap Days 的洗髮皂是古法製造的純手工皂,遇到水後容易軟得快。雖然已經晾皂4個約,堅硬耐用。但建議大家還是在使用完畢後隔水放置,讓洗髮皂皂體能夠在下次使用之前就乾燥。






* 市售潤絲產品

使用您家裡現有的產品,避開頭皮。因洗髮皂容易被洗髮精添加物干擾,影響洗髮皂本身的清潔力,所以護髮產品成份越少越好。並確定您的潤絲產品沒有 矽靈 Dimethicone 這個成分。


* 檸檬酸弱酸潤絲(擇一即可、短髮可用噴的)


  1. 將檸檬酸2-5g+500ml水稀釋,洗完頭後把頭髮泡進檸檬酸水,用手指梳開打結,最後用清水沖乾淨。
  2. 將檸檬酸2-5g+500ml水稀釋裝成噴瓶裝,洗完頭,將檸檬酸水噴在髮絲上,一邊用手指梳一遍補噴,最後再用水沖乾淨


* 洗後塗抹植物油(推薦:荷荷芭油、椰子油、橄欖油、芝麻油等)



* 洗前塗抹植物油








Washing Your Hair

1) Lather — Rub the shampoo bar directly on wet hair, or between hands (your preference), to create a rich lather.


2) Work into the Scalp — Massage suds gently through hair and scalp.


3) Rinse Thoroughly — Shampoo bar suds may rinse out more slowly than liquid detergent-based shampoo. 


4) Repeat — Rinse and repeat if necessary (some find it helps reduce tangles).



Conditioning Your Hair and Scalp

In order to condition your hair naturally, we recommend using an apple cider vinegar rinse after washing with a shampoo bar.


Apple Cider Vinegar relaxes the hair shaft to help with frizzy and tangled hair. It stimulates the scalp and strips residue. People with hard water have also found apple cider vinegar to be particularly helpful.



1) Mix — You can use a commercially available Apple Cider Vinegar rinse or make your own at home. If mixing yourself, we recommend the following ratios: 

• For Dry hair: 4 parts water, 2 parts Apple Cider Vinegar 

• For Oily hair: 2 parts water, 2 parts Apple Cider Vinegar


2) Apply — Spray or pour Apple Cider Vinegar on your wet hair after washing.


3) Rinse — Leave it in for a few minutes, then rinse out. You may also leave it in if you like. The vinegar scent will disappear once evaporated. Use Apple Cider Vinegar Rinse as often as you wash your hair. 


4) After — For extra conditioning, you may also use a hair oil of your choosing or try using our Herbal Lotion Bar. Just rub a tiny amount on your fingers and style thru your hair.


Adjustment Period

Conventional liquid shampoos strip your natural protective oils and coat your hair with silicone. Shampoo bars made of organic, natural ingredients do not.


So when switching to a natural shampoo bar, many people experience a transition period for hair to adjust and restore balance to oil production.


Depending on your hair, this could take a few days or weeks. During this adjustment, your hair may feel more oily, waxy, or dry and frizzy than normal. Be patient. Ultimately, your hair and the planet will be happier without the harsh chemicals of commercial liquid shampoo.