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Jojoba Oil 40ml

Jojoba Oil 40ml

✓For hair, face, body
✓100% pure jojoba oil

全館 $1000 免運費 on order

Free shipping on orders over NT4500(North America) on order

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Pure jojoba oil

For hair, face, and body

Ingredients: Simmondsia Chinensis (Jojoba) Seed Oil

Jojoba Oil

The molecular composition of jojoba oil is uniquely similar to that of the protective oils produced by the skin, giving jojoba the ability to balance the skin's oil production. Jojoba oil is rich in several vitamins and minerals including vitamin C, B vitamins, and vitamin E, zinc, and copper. Jojoba oil moisturizes and strengthens hair and prevents breakage, alleviating hair loss and promoting thicker hair. Its copper content helps to prevent premature graying of the hair.
Jojoba oil has anti-inflammatory properties and can help to prevent dandruff, dry scalp and itching. Jojoba can help to prevent frizz as well as improve the strength of damaged or hair.
Jojoba oil is rich in omega-6 fatty acids, which gives it the ability to protect and moisturize the skin. Its anti-inflammatory vitamin E content helps to promote healing and can provide relief for eczema and psoriasis prone skin.
Jojoba soothes and repairs dry, irritated skin. Its balancing and anti-microbial properties also help to combat acne. Jojoba helps the skin to fight free radicals that can cause premature aging and damage.
Jojoba can be applied to any area of the skin as needed and is gentle enough for use on the face.
Applied to the scalp as a leave in treatment, jojoba can provide the scalp and hair with essential nutrients that promote growth and overall scalp and hair health. Jojoba is uniquely lightweight, making it a preferable leave-in moisturizing treatment.
Jojoba can also be used as a gentle and effective makeup remover when used with warm water and muslin cloth.

How to use

For hair

As a wash-out treatment, apply 1-2 tbs (depending on hair length) to the hair, starting with the scalp and distributing to the ends.
Take this time to massage the scalp, which will stimulate circulation and promote hair growth and overall hair health.
For additional hair and scalp benefits, add your favorite essential oils. We recommend oils such as peppermint, lavender, cedar wood, and rosemary. Leave in for approximately 30 minutes or overnight and wash with your preferred hair soap formula.

As a leave in conditioning treatment, place one to three drops (depending on length and thickness) on your palm and distribute the oil over your palms, then, with the oil warmed and evenly distributed, begin to gently smooth the ends of you hair between your palms, ensuring that the oil is evenly distributed. Apply to your freshly washed hair while it is still slightly damp.Only apply the oil to the lower third of your hair. Feel free to add your favorite hair-friendly essential oil.

For face

As a cleanser, place a few drops of oil into the palm of your hand. Apply the oil before wetting the skin and massage it gently into the skin with your fingertips for about one minute. The oil will help to lift impurities from the skin. For light exfoliation, use a damp muslin cloth to wipe away the oil.
If you would like some oil to remain on your skin post cleanse, simply use warm water.
If wearing makeup, repeat these steps twice to ensure that all makeup has been removed from the skin.

As a moisturizer, warm a few drops of oil in your palms and gently massage into your skin.

For Body

Jojoba is an excellent moisturizer for the face and body. In order to maximize the hydrating effect, apply oil to slightly damp skin.
Shipping & Payment

Delivery Options

  • Registered parcel
  • 7-11 Pickup only (C2C)
  • Tcat - Room Temp.
  • Family Mart Pickup only (C2C)
  • 歐洲地區國際運送(14-21天)
  • 洗髮皂體驗訂單處理費$70
  • 日本、韓國國際運送(10-15天)*請填『英文』地址
  • America、Canada、Australia International shipping(14-21 days)
  • 香港、澳門、中國郵寄(7-10天)

Payment Options

  • Credit Card
  • Bank Transfer
  • CVS (Print out the bills by CVS and pay in the store)
  • PayPal Express
Customer Reviews
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